Sunday, February 3, 2008
1. Multi-Faith Counsel
We are working to help students of different religions connect with each other, but we also want to help students of the SAME religion connect. We can help with the PR and the organization, as well as helping to set things straight with UV Clubs. Eventually, we will organize all religious clubs into a "Multi-Faith Counsel."
2. Promoting the move "From Tolerance To Love"
There are 5 ways that we hope to make this push.
a. Mutual Understanding
b. Promoting Religious Liberty
c. Serving Each Other
d. Social Events
e. Interfaith Prayer Services
3. Working to educate persons in the community on the terrific good each religion has to offer. While differences of opinion can (and should?) exist, there can be a great deal of respect developed once a person SEES the good character that a religion supports.
In other words, we hope to have people learn to say, "I disagree with what you believe, but I support the "noble virtues" that your religion develops.
4. We will publish and promote a directory for local religions, as well as support individual groups and students in the new "Worship Center" that will be located on the 5th floor of the new library.
5. Through the creation of an executive position of "Chaplain" which we will lobby for, we hope to support the institution of counseling for bereavement, support for the searching student, and help support the spirituality of all UVU students and affiliates.
These ideas are still being developed., so give us your input!!!
Credit for the ideas go to our leadership team as a whole. Linda Walton, of course needs to be recognized as the one who has created the phrase "From Tolerance to Love" as well as promoted much of these values for years. That being said, I do not claim that these values are the official priorities of the Interfaith Student Association (at least not yet), but rather reflect my own values.
Well, there you go. PLEASE LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS!!! We would love to hear what YOUR priorities and needs are. Let us know what it is that you'd like to find in an Interfaith Student Association like this one!
More to come soon.
I can be reached at
Curtis Jensen
President - Interfaith Student Association
PR Club President
Communications Department Student Rep.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Response to 2 Largest Concerns
Here were the two concerns, with my response.
1. Will this be an incognito way for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to proselytize? (or any other church, for that matter)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (sometimes called the Mormon Church) is the dominant religion in Utah Valley, where Utah Valley University is located. This is a very real concern to many members of many religions. Let me give a very clear response to this question. The answer is unequivically "No, it will not." I will elaborate.
First, this is not an organization housed or sponsored directly by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is sponsored by the University, registered as a University Organization, and the advisor is Linda Walton, the University Chaplain.
Second, the leadership is completely incognito as far as our own religious preference. We do not announce what religious group to affiliate ourselves with.
Third, Linda Walton has a firm history of supporting all religions equally. I have the utmost respect for her, and I recommend her completely. I have never seen her once give preference, extra attention, or show bias in any way.
Fourth, I believe that our mission statement (to be announced in the future), our programs, and the structure of our organization will speak for themselves.
2. Will this organization have an anti-Mormon attitude or slant? (or anti-anyone for that matter)
This is a valid concern for many members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Many of them have come in contact with religious alliances and associations that either directly attacked their religion or quietly excluded them, essentially becoming anti-Mormon coalitions. I would like to answer equally clearly. "This will not be one of them." I will elaborate.
First, the Interfaith Student Association is sponsored by and registered with Utah Valley University, which has a no place for any religious intolerance. This policy has been reemphasized by President Sederburg.
Second, the Interfaith Student Association is not a group of select religions. The Interfaith Student Association is inclusive of all world religions. We do not classify, group, define, nor describe any religion, meaning that we welcome all established religions.
Third, the Interfaith Student Association has a firm track record of dismissing requests to exclude members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from participation. In some instances, other parties, generally from outside the state, have contacted us and made such requests. These have all been rejected, and that will continue to be the case.
Fourth, we hope to work in cooperation with representatives of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, especially with faculty members of the Orem Institute of Religion. They are valued participants and will be treated as such.
More to come soon.
I can be reached at
Curtis Jensen
President - Interfaith Student Association
PR Club President
Communications Department Student Rep.